
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Capital JAE Corporation is a socially aware and responsible company, committed to being a part of making this world a better place. We are more than just a company focused on the internal interest of the firm or just maximizing profits. We are also just as adamant about contributing to positive changes and making valuable contributions for the benefit of society at large.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide and the second-most common cancer overall. We are more than aware of the ongoing fight against breast cancer but are committed to being a part of the process of first finding the cause and then developing a cure. Capital JAE Corp dba JAE Vending is in partnership with Candy for a Cause. Candy for a Cause is a program that works collectively with vendors across America such as ours to donate money to the national recognized, nonprofit organization, the Susan G. Komen organization.

Every day, 43 children are diagnosed with cancer with the average age child being 6 years old. The 12% of children diagnosed with cancer do not survive. Children’s cancer can affect all ethnic, gender, and social-economic groups. NCCS mission is to improve the quality of life for children with cancer by providing emotional, financial, and educational support to the children and their families and survivors. Capital JAE Corp dba JAE Vending is part of a national charity vending effort that allows businesses like ours to help support this needed cause through donations, because every child deserves a fighting chance.

More than 40% of surveyed employers say the incoming high school graduates are ill prepared for entry level jobs. Seventy percent of young Americans are thinking of starting a business but very few of them ever learn how to get started. JA is a nonprofit organization that inspires and prepares young people to succeed in a global economy. Capital JAE Corp volunteers time in the classroom to teach programs that foster work-readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy skills, using interactive learning to inspire students to dream big and reach their potential.